Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trader Joe's Frosted Shredded Wheats

Some people are addicted to chocolate, some to potato chips, and some to crack (hey, I'm sorry but it's true and I certainly don't endorse this addiction).

I'm addicted to breakfast cereal.

I don't know what it is about cereal, but it's one food that I love to eat at any time of the day. Breakfast - of course, it's a staple! Lunch - sure when there's nothing else to eat! Dinner - definitely when the husband is away and I don't feel like cooking! Snack - yes indeed, at any time of the day!

One cereal that I can't get enough of is Trader Joe's Frosted Shredded Wheats. This frosted shredded wheat cereal is perfect. I've had a long-running affair with frosted shredded wheat, starting with Kellogg's in high school (which I found resulted in a mouth full of dry cardboard "wheat", but aside from that you need to check out their mini wheats mascot - so cute!), then a variety of store-brand versions (trying to save money throughout college). And, finally, my favorite for years has been the Trader Joe's brand.

There are so many things I love about it. The squares are the perfect size and the wheat is compacted to just the right density. They are really thin with a crispy frosted shell - and this is what melts my heart - the shell stays crisp even after swimming in the milk for a few minutes. Trust me, I've tested this many times as my daughter requires my attention asking for "more waffles" or "more mango". It's almost as if the little squares pause from absorbing too much milk just to wait for me to sit back down and start eating again. There is no partially hydrogenated oil and no corn syrup baked into these goodies.
However, they are a little high in sugar at 11g per serving, but that is somewhat balanced with the 5g of fiber. Add some fresh strawberries, raspberries or blueberries to the bowl with some organic milk and you will be ready to climb a mountain.

I've also noticed that the squares are uniformly made with very few imperfections. What I mean by this is that they all have the same texture and mouth feel. Haven't you ever had the bag of cheese Jax where some of them are puffy soft and melt in your mouth and some could break a tooth? Product consistency is not an issue here at all.

If you are thinking about buying shredded wheat from TJ's you need to be prepared for choice. They come in a wide variety of flavors...Frosted, Vanilla, Maple, Cinnamon. I have tried most of these and have always found my way back to the original frosted wheats in the blue box. They have just the right sweetness (the Maple version was so sweet that even me, the girl with 32 sweet teeth, could not stomach).

Did I mention the price? If you are like me and love cereal you know that those cute boxes cost a small fortune, especially for someone who eats through 1.5 boxes a week. At just $2.99, Trader Joe's Frosted Shredded Wheats are a bargain!