Saturday, December 15, 2007

Milk Chocolate Covered Banana Chips

My new obsession started on the car ride home from my local friendly Trader Joe's...toddler safely buckled in carseat, car in drive and dying to bust into my Trader Joe's Milk Chocolate Covered Banana Chips. Just a little mid-morning pick-me-up snack for the mom of a 2-year-old who has a lot of energy during the day and in the middle of the night.

I quickly grabbed a handful of chips, keeping both eyes planted on the road. These little morsels ranged in size from a pencil eraser head to the size of my pinky finger - nail to knuckle. I first noticed the texture - smooth, but a little bumpy, on the outside and crunchy on the inside. The crunch wasn't what I expected at all - maybe I was thinking that since bananas are soft these would be, too, but silly me, of course they would be crunchy since they are called "Banana Chips". After my second handful, I concentrated on the smooth milk chocolate flavor. Now, I've been trying to train my taste buds to appreciate dark chocolate given the flavonoid benefits, but truth be told I am a milk chocolate lover at heart...good milk chocolate (Cadbury from Ireland to name one), not Hershey's (I wholeheartedly agree with you David - see David Lebovitz's humorous post on Hershey's). Well, this creamy milk chocolate is definitely one on my "love it!" lists. No off flavors here. On the other hand, the banana flavor is a little lacking, but certainly doesn't take away from the overall addictivity (is that a word?) of these treats.

Check them out on your next trip to TJ's. $3.49 per 10.5 oz.